GAME GOLF Digital Tracking System (GAM0001) GAME GOLF♪♪ ゴルフ 激安クラブ USAから直送 フェアウェイゴルフインク ipad&タブレット&スマホ・Android・iPhone&PCで欲しいなら通販

GAME GOLF Digital Tracking System
激安クラブ USAから直送【フェアウェイゴルフインク】

GAME GOLF Digital Tracking System Designed to seamlessly capture and display your entire golf game • Improve Your Game - From tee to green we analyze your entire round of golf • Know Your Distances - See how far you really hit each club and never under-club again • See Your Stats - Fairway Accuracy GIR Putts Per Hole and more • Share & Compare with your friends followers or even the Pros Play Playing golf should be exactly that?playing. With GAME GOLF game tracking happens in the background so you can focus on playing instead of note-taking. All you have to do is power up put on the device and play your game. Install the unique tags into each of your clubs and simply tag each club to the device before you take your shot. That’s it. GAME GOLF logs what club you use and where on the course you use it. By combining these observations your game is visualized like never before. See GAME YOUR GAME. Golf is no longer just a memory and a scorecard. Now it's a living breathing chronicle of your game. Everything you do on the course is recorded and presented in an all-in-one online system to help you better see understand and show off your skills. With GAME GOLF you don't just leave everything you've got on the course?it comes with you afterwards so you can see in detail how you did and where you can do better. Share GAME YOUR GAME. Each and every game you play becomes a showcase you can share with anyone you choose. From that huge drive on hole 14 to your average stats over time your golf game is no longer limited to the people you played with. Your progress and accomplishments can be shared with your friends and family?as well as a whole new community on the GAME platform?for fun or for bragging rights. Compare If practice makes progress informed practice makes perfect. Now so much more than basic stats are recorded. Mathematical trends over time in all statistical areas are carefully calculated and presented in ways that can educate not just illustrate. Your entire golf game is presented and analyzed so you can actually use the information to improve your play?from overall changes to precise adjustments. GAME YOUR GAME. 商品番号:GAM0001 商品名:GAME GOLF Digital Tracking System

GAME GOLF Digital Tracking System

激安クラブ USAから直送【フェアウェイゴルフインク】